Open Ecoacoustics Web Components

How to Create a Verification Grid

To use a verification grid, you will have to create a simple website.

To help, we have provided a template below that you can copy and modify. Along with additional information on how to customize it to your needs.

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>OE Bat Verification Grid</title>
    <script type="module" src=""></script>

    <oe-verification-grid id="verification-grid" grid-size="3" selection-behavior="desktop">
      <oe-verification verified="true" shortcut="Y">Grey-headed flying fox</oe-verification>
      <oe-verification verified="false" shortcut="N">Grey-headed flying fox</oe-verification>

    <oe-data-source for="verification-grid" local></oe-data-source>

Breakdown and Explanation

Most of the code that you see in the template above is boilerplate, and in most circumstances, you should not need to modify it.

Some important code snippets that you can modify above:

Changing the Title Shown in the Browser Tab

You can change the text shown in the browser tab by modifying the <title></title> elements content.

For example: If you want to change the title of your verification component from OE Bat Verification Grid to Koala Verification Grid, you would change the text in between the <title> code to the following.

<title>Koala Verification Grid</title>

Changing the Decisions

Decisions can be applied to all grid tiles, or subset through sub-selection. Each decision element will display as a button that the user can click and will add an oe-verified, oe-tag, and oe-additional tags to each grid tile that was selected.

It is possible to change the decisions by adding and deleting the oe-decision code from above. You can verify if a tag is correct by using the verified and tag attributes.

All decisions should have an associated keyboard shortcut. This can be configured through the shortcut attribute. For example: By changing the shortcut attribute to Y (shortcut="Y"), when the Y key is clicked on the keyboard, the associated decision will be clicked.

There is a attribute named additional-tags which will create an oe-additional-tags column when exported. This differs from the tag attribute, because while the tag and verified attribute confirms or denies the existence of an audio event and not creating any new tags, additional-tags creates additional information/tags to an audio event that did not previously exist.

How to Publish Your Verification Grid

So that other people can use your verification grid, you will need to publish the code you wrote above to the public internet.

Note: By publishing your website, any person (or machine) who has access to the internet will be able to access your website.

Netlify is a website that publishes your websites to the internet and allows other people to use your website (such as the verification grid created before).

Creating a Netlify Site

You first have to create a Netlify site by going to the following url:

If you forget to log in, spectrograms will fail to render with the error Error: SharedArrayBuffer is not defined., and the website that you create will only be available for one hour.

Create your website by creating a new directory with the name of you website e.g. "Koala Verification Grid" Add the index.html file created above with the following netlify.toml file to this new directory.

By adding the following netlify.toml, you allow the website to run high performance code such as SharedArrayBuffer. Without the following config file, you will get the error Error: SharedArrayBuffer is not defined.

# netlify.toml
  for = "/*"
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin = "*"
    Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy = "same-origin"
    Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy = "require-corp"

You should now have a folder with the following contents:

Koala Verification Grid/
  - index.html
  - netlify.toml

Deploying Your Verification Grid

Warning! It is important to note that by deploying your website, any person on the internet will be able to access it and any data associated with it. Attackers regularly search the entire internet for websites, so security through obscurity is not a plausible defense against your data being leaked if you upload it.

To deploy your website go to and drag and drop the folder/directory that contains your index.html and netlify.toml file.

You have now deployed your verification grid. After deployment, netlify will provide you with a link that you can send to anyone that has access to the internet.